Character & Citizenship Education
Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) is at the heart of education in Singapore. Through CCE, students learn values, social-emotional competencies, and develop character and citizenship dispositions that enable them to grow holistically and learn for life. The CCE 2021 curriculum provides an integrated approach to addressing our students’ development of values, character, social-emotional well-being, and citizenship dispositions in a coherent and holistic way.
To help our students adapt to disruptions in a rapidly evolving world, the knowledge, skills, and values taught in CCE are current and relevant. The CCE 2021 curriculum also helps our students navigate the realities of their time.
At Haig Girls’, we emphasise the importance of the character and citizenship development of every student. Our student-centric and values-driven approach helps nurture every student to become a leader of character and a concerned citizen. We do so through reinforcing the I4Cs (Integrity, Concern, Commitment and Cooperation) and 3S1W (Sense of Belonging, Sense of Reality, Sense of Hope and the Will to act) in their experiences.
Values are explicitly taught and infused throughout the curriculum and through role-modelling, reflection and experience. Service to the school and community, leadership roles and responsibilities, CCAs and project work are important experiences that we seek to give our students, so that they can live out the school values in the process of serving others and working with one another. Our programmes not only focus on the head but also the heart and hands of every Haig Girl.
Fig: The CCE 2021 Curriculum Frame
Fig: HGS 2E2R [Explicit Teaching, Experiential Learning, Role-Modeling, Reflection] Approach to planning of CCE programmes
Click on the images above for more information on Haig Girls’ Character and Citizenship Education and Student Leadership.
Character Education
Values are taught to our students through various platforms:
Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) Lessons:
- CCE Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP)
- CCE Mother Tongue Language (MTL)
- Programme for Active Learning (PAL) - P1 & 2 only -
The infusion of values into existing academic curriculum
Assembly Programmes on Learning To Learn and Showing Gratitude
Key Student Development Experiences (Co-Curricular Activities (CCA), leadership programmes and camps)
Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) Lessons
CCE Lessons in Haig Girls are enacted through CCE Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP) and CCE Mother Tongue Language (MTL). At Lower Primary, CCE Lessons also include the Programme for Active Learning (PAL). CCE (FTGP), CCE (MTL) and PAL are guided by one syllabus and the CCE Learning Outcomes are realised in different ways. Lessons in CCE (FTGP) and CCE (MTL) use stories, scenarios, songs and games, while PAL creates opportunities for students to apply their learning through the domains of Sports & Games, Outdoor Education, Visual Arts, and Performing Arts.
CCE Form Teacher Guidance Period - CCE(FTGP)
Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP) provides quality interaction time between form teachers and students, and equip students with social and emotional competencies. We hope for our students to have a strong foundation to build character, develop social-emotional competencies and citizenship dispositions. There is emphasis on explicit teaching of social-emotional competencies in CCE (FTGP) as the basic skills taught at the Primary levels lay the foundation for more complex conversations and discussions at the Secondary levels and beyond. Topics related to developing citizenship dispositions are also taught in CCE (FTGP) to foster inter-ethnic understanding and appreciation for one another’s culture in a multicultural classroom setting.
Sexuality Education (SEd) lessons are taught as part of CCE (FTGP) at Primary 5 and 6. In SEd, students learn to understand the physiological, social and emotional changes they experience as they mature. For example, they learn about developing healthy and rewarding relationships, including those with members of the opposite sex, and to make wise, informed and responsible decisions on sexuality matters. Click here to learn more about SEd in Haig Girls.
Education and Career Guidance (ECG) experiences in Haig Girls’ provide an opportunity for our students to build their self-awareness and knowledge of the different education and career pathways available. Through the CCE (FTGP) curriculum, students get to discover their own values, strengths, interests and skills in order to be better equipped to make informed choices when selecting schools for secondary and tertiary education and thereafter their career. Students also get to attend secondary school and careers talks.
Above: CCE (FTGP) Student Journals
CCE Mother Tongue Language - CCE(MTL)
CCE (known as Civics and Moral Education (CME) prior to 2014) is taught in the Mother Tongue Languages as they hold a rich source of knowledge for the transmission of values. The teaching of CCE in the MTLs also provides additional exposure time so as to improve students’ competency in Chinese, Malay and Tamil. CCE (MTL) lessons share common unit titles with variations in the lesson titles based on the cultural stories, practices, proverbs or songs selected by each language. Cultural stories are used in the teaching of CCE as:
• Values can be rather abstract for young children. Cultural stories help children to reflect upon themselves through the lives of the characters and make sense of experiences of life. Thus, children would strive to emulate the values of the characters they read about.
• Cultural stories are rich in life experiences with the use of people or animals in scenarios to bring out issues of identity, relationships and choices.
• Cultural stories contain the culture, heritage and language of a community. Children would gain a deeper understanding of their cultural heritage, which comprises the traditions, rituals, crafts, expressions, knowledge and skills that we practise and pass on from generation to generation.
• Stories from other cultures help develop and promote better understanding, respect, appreciation, and a more positive outlook towards people from different lands, races and religions.
Above: CCE (MTL) Student Journals for Primary Three
Programme for Active Learning (PAL)
PAL is an integral part of the curriculum for all Primary 1 and 2 students. The programme offers hands-on and experiential learning through the following four domains: Sports & Games, Outdoor Education, Visual Arts, and Performing Arts. PAL provides opportunities for students to discover new interests, develop character and enables them to develop social-emotional competencies. The five characteristics of PAL are as follow:
Focus on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and values;
Be driven by experiential learning;
Encompass learning in creative ways;
Provide opportunities to create; and
Engage in fun and enjoyable learning.
Learning To Learn
We, the pupils of Haig Girls’ School believe that we can think, learn, achieve and excel.
We believe that we will be gracious, self-disciplined and responsible citizens.
~ HGS Pupil’s Creed
At Haig Girls’ we believe in the importance of not just learning subjects, but learning how to learn. We believe that our girls can think, learn, achieve and excel, as stated in our pupil’s creed, thus, a great emphasis is placed on learning to learn and the power of the growth mindset. Since 2018, we have had termly Learning to Learn FTGP lessons and leverage intentional teachable moments in the school curriculum, CCAs, in and outside the classroom to develop a growth mindset in our students. Students learn about the importance of having a positive mindset, the power of mistakes, having resilience and learning strategies.
At Haig Girls’ School, we believe in the importance of gratitude and cultivate it as a school through various assembly sessions and activities. Our students learn that being grateful allows them to celebrate the present and magnifies positive emotions. Gratitude turns what little one has into abundance. It involves so much more than just saying thank you and it truly changes one’s perspective of the world. Showing gratitude at Haig Girls involves:
Gratitude to Self [includes taking care of one-self and prioritising your own mental health and wellbeing, i.e. self-care]
Gratitude to Others
Gratitude to the Environment
Above: Celebrating & Learning more about Self-Care during Self-Care Week @ HGS
Family Time
Parents are the first care-givers in developing the good character of their children. The development of character and citizenship dispositions in our students is influenced by what happens in school, in the family and in the wider community. There must be active partnership between school and home so that what is taught and learnt in school is reinforced at home. In Haig Girls’, we believe in partnering with parents and have done so through various platforms such as CCE (FTGP) and CCE (MTL) student journals, our parent handouts on programmes (e.g. Growth Mindset / Gratitude), etc.
National Education
National Education, first launched in 1997, is a significant aspect of Character & Citizenship (CCE) in schools. It aims to:
Driven by the 2E2R approach of Explicit teaching, Experience, Reflection and Role-modelling, our programs focus on the Head, Heart and Hands of every Haig Girl, allowing every student to grow into a leader of character and an active and concerned citizen. We hope for our students to utilise their knowledge, skills and talents to serve the school and community, as depicted in our school motto - ‘Knowledge is Power, in service to others’. Our CCE Ambassadors, guided by the Citizenship Team of teachers, play a huge role in helming the assembly programs and helping to reinforce the key learning points and citizenship dispositions. This is part of our By Pupil for Pupil approach (BPFP) used in the planning of all our NE Core Events.
Social Studies
Above: Our dedicated group of Social Studies teachers & snippets of Social Studies lessons in action
The Social Studies curriculum spans the primary and secondary levels. This subject helps students to grow in knowledge, develop skills and learn values through examining issues that are of concern to our society and the world in which we live
At the heart of the Singapore Social Studies Curriculum is the preparation of our students to be effective citizens by helping them to better understand the interconnectedness of Singapore and the world they live in, and appreciate the complexities of the human experience. Drawing on aspects of society that are of meaning and interest to the students, Social Studies seeks to ignite students’ curiosity to inquire into real-world issues that concern their lives. Through inquiry and authentic learning experiences, Social Studies helps students to attain relevant knowledge and understanding about these issues, develop critical and reflective thinking skills, and appreciate multiple perspectives. Social Studies seeks to inculcate in students a deeper understanding of the values that define the Singapore society, nurture dispositions that will inspire them to show concern for the society and the world in which they live, and demonstrate empathy in their relationships with others.
Curriculum Aims of Social Studies
As informed citizens, students will:
• understand the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the role of the government in society;
• understand their identity as Singaporeans, with a regional and global outlook
• understand the Singapore perspective on key national, regional and global issues
• analyse and negotiate complex issues through evaluating multiple sources with different perspectives
• arrive at well-reasoned, responsible decisions through reflective thought and discernment
As concerned citizens, students will:
• have a sense of belonging to the nation, appreciate and be committed to building social cohesion in a diverse society
• be motivated to engage in issues of societal concern
• reflect on the ethical considerations and consequences of decision making.
As participative citizens, students will:
• take responsible personal and collective actions to effect change for the good of society
• be resilient in addressing concerns of society in spite of challenges faced.
Fig: Clusters of study across the various levels
Learning Journeys
Above: Snippets of our P4- 6 Learning Journeys and parents that have come along to support us
Cohort LJs have been developed to provide all students with opportunities to explore their Singaporean identity through the arts, culture and heritage. These complement our national Art, Character and Citizenship Education and Social Studies curricula.
Cohort LJs consist of the Primary 5 NE Show, Museum-Based Learning (MBL) and learning journeys that are part of our ALP-IPW (Integrated Project Work).
Fig: Overview of Cohort Learning Journeys
Museum-Based Learning
Our MBL (CCE, History and Social Studies) and signature P4 IPW TIMEOUT program aims to enable a more inclusive and authentic learning experience for students in art, heritage and history through pre-, during- and post-visit lessons to Singapore’s art museums and historical sites. As these LJs are designed to achieve respective syllabus outcomes, including the development of citizenship dispositions and national identity in students, our students go through these compulsory cohort LJs at the designated academic level and in all three phases (i.e. pre-, during and post-learning journey).
The pre-visit experience arouses students’ interest, activates their prior knowledge and provides relevant context to allow students to form deeper and more meaningful connections to the new knowledge and experiences gained during the visit. The post-visit experience provides time and space for students to review, reflect and help them make connections between what they already know or have experienced within their lives and across the curriculum.
All the MBL experiences are facilitated by museum educators with expertise in content on both the galleries and artefacts at the respective sites, further reinforced by our Social Studies teachers in class.
The MBL (CCE, History and Social Studies) are developed around the following themes and questions:
Our Singapore Way: Our Multicultural Heritage
Our Singapore Spirit: Turning Challenges into Opportunities
Our Singapore Story: Growing Singapore Together
Key Questions
How do I demonstrate respect for and appreciation of diversity?
What does being Singaporean and/or living in Singapore mean to me?
How can I be an advocate for positive change in the community and society?
What are some local, global, social and environmental issues that I care about?
NE Core Events
Total Defence Day
We commemorate Total Defence Day on 15 February each year to mark the fall of Singapore to the Japanese in 1942. In commemorating TDD, our students reflect on the importance of Total Defence as Singapore’s best all-round response to threats and challenges that confront Singapore (e.g. terrorism, pandemics, cyber-attacks, influence campaigns or economic crises). Students also reflect on the continuing relevance of the six pillars of Total Defence - Military Defence, Civil Defence, Economic Defence, Social Defence, Digital Defence and Psychological Defence - as well as the core message of every Singaporean standing together, each playing our part to protect Singapore and our shared way of life.
International Friendship Day
We commemorate International Friendship Day on the 3rd Friday of Term 2. This is a day dedicated to the understanding of Singapore’s relations with neighbouring countries and beyond. The commemoration of IFD allows our students to be sensitised to Singapore’s geopolitical realities, and to reflect on the importance of a) an active foreign policy to maintain Singapore’s international space; b) openness to the international flow of trade, ideas and talent; c) cross-cultural skills and a global orientation; and d) the spirit of friendship and collaboration amongst different people. Through our specially planned assembly program and NE Focused CCE (FTGP) lessons, our students are acquainted with the diverse and colourful culture and traditions of the region and the lives of their peers in other ASEAN Member-States. We also nurture in them the spirit of friendship and collaboration among different peoples in ASEAN and beyond, on top of having them keep an open mindset and express an appreciation of the contributions of foreigners living, working and studying in Singapore.
As part of school efforts to promote foreigner-local integration, experiences have been designed for the foreign students in our midst to have:
Mutual understanding, appreciation, and acceptance among students of different lifestyles and cultural backgrounds
Spirit of friendship and social values of collaboration
Racial Harmony Day
Above: Students engaged in RHD activities led by our CCE Ambassadors and supported by our very lovely Parents Support Group (PSG)
We commemorate Racial Harmony Day (RHD) on 21 July each year to mark the anniversary of the 1964 race riots. On this day, students reflect on and celebrate Singapore as a harmonious society built on a rich diversity of cultures and the collaborative effort of all to promote social cohesion. As part of our commemoration, we facilitate activities that enable our students to make friends with people of other races and religions and reinforce the message that in Singapore, people are treated equally regardless of their race and religion, and that students should appreciate the
different cultures that make up Singapore.
National Day
National Day marks our separation from Malaysia in 1965, and our emergence as an independent country in a community of nations. The school-based commemoration brings to students a sense of the historical importance and solemnity of National Day. As part of our National Day celebrations at Haig Girls, we provide our students with a platform to live out the school’s vision of being leaders of character through engaging in active citizenry. We remind our students of the importance of giving and emphasize on instilling a heart of gratitude in our students.
As part of our Bags of Blessings initiative through the years, we have reached out to various groups of people in society (e.g. Residents at Marine Parade flats, migrant workers, frontline & healthcare workers, the less fortunate children and youths residing in homes & shelters etc). This outreach helps provide an opportunity for our students to embrace the power of giving, to think about others before themselves and believe that anyone, regardless of their age, is able to give back to the community and make a positive difference to another person.
Our Parents Support Group would hold a yearly charity book drive in conjunction with our National Day celebrations. They would collect pre-loved books from our students and staff and sell them during recess to students and teachers. Proceeds from the book drive would then be donated fully to our students in need.
Values In Action
Service to the school and community, leadership roles and responsibilities, CCAs and group work are important experiences that we give our students, so that they can live out the school values in the process of serving others and working with one another.
Read more about our VIA efforts here.
Integrated Project Work (IPW)
IPW is a school-wide programme that helps students to integrate learning and create new value through an interdisciplinary approach. IPW provides students with the opportunities to appreciate the culture and heritage of their community, to develop a sense of belonging and pride as well as to play a role in active citizenship. This ties in with the 2E2R approach of Explicit teaching, Experience, Role-Modeling and Reflection.
Click here for more information.
Student Leadership Development Programme
The student leadership development programme is designed to develop every student as a leader of character. Every student will be given an opportunity to be a leader, beginning at the class level.
The four HGS leadership attributes are:
lead by example
serve with humility
take initiative, and
influence others positively
Click here for the Student Leaders’ Pledge.
Student Leaders’ Investiture
The annual student leaders’ investiture is held in the first semester during assembly. At this investiture, student leaders (ranging from Character Citizenship Education ambassadors to CCA leaders and Prefects will be formally acknowledged and presented with specific badges by the Principal and Vice-Principals. At the same time, the investiture serves as an opportunity to acknowledge that every student in HGS is a leader.
Student Leadership Framework
We believe that every HGS student will be a leader of character who demonstrates our school values (I4Cs) and leadership attributes. Our school’s Student Leadership Development Committee has created a Student Leadership Framework to ensure all our students are nurtured to be a leader.
The Student Leadership Framework is built on HGS’ vision of “Leaders of Character, Striving for Excellence in a Vibrant School”. It has four concentric circles with the inner circles depicting the values and leadership attributes, while the outer circles illustrate the platforms and approaches for students to hone their leadership skills.
The first inner circle indicates our school values (I4Cs) – Integrity, Commitment, Cooperation, Creativity and Concern, which we would like to inculcate in every Haig girl.
The second inner circle indicates the leadership attributes – “Leads by Example”, “Takes Initiative”, “Serves with Humility” and “Influences Others Positively” which further build upon the fundamental school values of I4Cs.
The third outer circle shows the platforms (CCA Leaders, Class Leaders, Ambassadors and Prefects) that we have designed to provide our Haig girl the opportunity to take on authentic leadership roles.
Finally, the outermost circle depicts the 2E2R approach - “Experience”, “Explicit teaching”, “Reflection” and “Role-modelling”, used to cultivate the leadership qualities in our students.
Through explicit teaching and by providing students with experiences (e.g. FTGP Leadership Lessons, Leadership Training, Leadership Opportunities), all students will be able to develop their leadership capabilities.
We also empower our students to lead in events such as the TKSS Junior Leadership Symposium, Leadership Assembly Presentations and the HGS Open House. No Haig girl is too young to make a difference to others, the school and the community.
Furthermore, we encourage the students to reflect and evaluate their own strengths and missteps in their leadership journey. Using a growth mindset for self-reflection coupled with peer evaluation will help solidify their understanding of what it takes to be a good leader.
We also provide affirmation and encouragement through events such as the Student Leaders’ Investiture and Prize-Giving Day. We celebrate not only achievements but the hearts of our students.
Leadership Training Structure
To support the students in developing their leadership skills, a three-tiered training structure was created.
3-Tiered Student
Leadership Training
In addition to the above key training programmes, there would be specialised training programmes catered for different groups of leaders so as to hone their skills in the specific areas.
TKSS Junior Leadership Symposium
Partnership with TKSS and TKPS in sharing and developing leadership skills for students from other primary schools. Our prefects facilitate this symposium, and the other leaders participate in the event.