About the Bowling CCA
Provide a unique opportunity for students to develop and excel in the sport of Tenpin Bowling
Develop determination, tenacity, grit and resilience in students
Foster teamwork and leadership skills during CCA and competitions
Key Highlights
- Students attend weekly CCA sessions and D3T2 (selected students) at an external bowling centre
Some Notable Achievements during the recent National School Games Bowling Competition:
HGS Bowling Junior Girls Team clinched the highest ranking ever by winning the 1st runner up in the Quartet Event
Junior Girls:
Singles 5th and 7th
Doubles 6th
Quartet 2nd and 8th
Senior Girls:
Quartet 7th and 8th
Mr Kwok Yao Tsuan – OIC
Madam Zareena – 2IC
Mdm Mainura
CCA session: Mondays, 2.10pm – 5.00pm, external venue
D3T2 session: Fridays, 1.30pm – 4.30pm, external venue