Drama Club
Drama Club
About Drama Club
Haig Girls’ School Drama Club welcomes those who jump at the opportunity to perform and enjoy learning about the world through the eyes of different characters. Drama Club members are exposed to various performance skills such as voice projection and speech clarity, staging skills, movement and space, and improvisation amongst others. Drama Club also provides opportunities for members to build up soft skills such as adaptability, creativity, confidence and leadership skills. Values such as discipline and accountability are reinforced as the students journey along with their peers and develop a deep sense of appreciation for the performing arts through the various roles they play. They listen and respond respectfully as they work in groups to design and stage skits.
“There are many pieces that go into putting together a theatre production.”
“There is the imagination required for a good story, casting, lighting, costume and stage direction.”
“When each of these comes together flawlessly, the audience has a chance to escape reality for a bit and watch something transpire on the stage in front of them.”
(source unknown)
Key Highlights
Our Drama Club members are given opportunities to perform monologues, skits and learn the ropes from industry players. Some of our past partners include: Matt’s Education (The Junior Newscaster Workshop). The Drama Club students came up with a video on ‘Our HGS Heritage’ as part of the school’s 70th anniversary celebrations after a semester’s worth of broadcasting skills and even got to interact with Annette Rochelle Lee, a Singaporean singer-songwriter, scriptwriter and YouTube personality, known for her short video series online. In addition, our members worked with Act3 Theatre and went on a learning journey to watch ‘A Caged Parrot’. They got to interact with the cast and see for themselves what happens behind the scenes. Upcoming, we will be working with WildRice to provide our students with opportunities to make creative decisions in the way they express themselves and tell stories. We hope to be able to build our students’ confidence both on and off-stage through role-playing of original scripts specially written for them to have fun and build up their social-emotional skills.
Our Drama girls are committed to doing their best for both internal and external performances. During competitions, the key message for our members is that winning is a bonus - more importantly is the learning and friendships forged in the process. Performing opportunities that our students have been exposed to thus far:
70th Anniversary Emceeing (school-based)
HGS Performing Arts Showcase 2022
The Moo-O Awards
Mythos (Junior Orators)
Remarkably You! Play (school-based)
SYF! Goes Online
Besides, we have had inter-CCA collaborations which support the cross pollination of ideas and learning among the students. Two of the notable collaborations include that with our HGS Red Cross (where our students got to learn first aid skills) & D3T2 Creative Writing. Most recently, the Drama Club treated the school to their first ever play titled ‘Remarkably You’ written by our very own D3T2 Creative Writing students, directed and performed by the Drama Club.
Mr Mohammad Fauzi Wahid (OIC)
Mdm Shiva Shankari Somasundram
CCA session: Mondays, 2.15pm - 3.45pm